Jun Hyuk HONG, MD, PhD Ji Youl LEE, MD, PhD
Co-Chairman of Co-Chairman of 2020 KPS-APSU 2020 KPS-APSU President of KPS President of APSU
Dear Delegates and Friends,
The Korea Prostate Society (KPS) and Asia Pacific Society of Uro-oncology(APSU) will host 2020 KPS-APSU Joint International Symposium during September 11 - 12, 2020 as online symposium only.
The Scientific Program will cover all aspects of Urologic Oncology & Prostate Disease, and the sessions will be full of presentations on latest innovations.
Both Societies have been building professional bonds throughout the Asia-Pacific region for well over a decade, and this up-coming event, as a turning point of both Societies, will provide a new venue for the most up-to-date knowledge of Urologic Oncology & Prostate Disease. The Organizing Committee hopes that 2020 KPS-APSU serves as a major scientific event for the concerted research and exchanges among KPS and APSU members.
We look forward to welcoming you to this meaningful event!
Copyright(C) by 2020 KPS-APSU Joint International Symposium.
All rights reserved.
2020 KPS-APSU Secretariat of Registration
Address: 12, Moraenae-ro 7-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-2038-7988 | E-mail : gaonpco@gaonpco.com
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